Wednesday, February 14, 2007

People of Earth:

As much as I don't like to admit it. I really am not a fan of cold weather. *thinks* Well.. There's cold, then there is -COLD-. :| Being in Minnesota, it gets mighty cold. I'm not sure why, but for me it's hard to stay warm even during summer months. The past couple of weeks have been bitterly cold, and windy. Below zero with 20 mile-per-hour winds. Not favorable weather for me by any means. Therefor I haven't been taking any outdoor photos. I miss that..

As for today, I am quite unsure as to what I should write. In all honesty I'm extremely depressed and horribly miserable. But we wont get into that. *grin* All I know is that I am unsure of what I've done wrong in order to receive the bundle of things I have been receiving. But I can only take it one day at a time. Which is sometimes very hard.

I think I may set up something to shoot at today. I miss taking pictures. Even if of trivial things. Because.. If it's something I am passionate about. The picture will be beautiful. And if it's not beautiful to you, or many others, and only to me.. Then that's fine. Because I don't take pictures to become worthy, or to get friends and be popular. I do it out of passion. I love it.. But.. Truly I can't wait for it to get a bit warmer. My shots will become less 'studio' and more as they used to be when I started photography.

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