Tuesday, January 16, 2007


It's strange.. I am not usually one to be 'moody'. Well.. Quickly switch moods in a rather.. Almost 'bipolar' way. But, today I can say is different. Though I am generally happy. I am ultimately sad. The one I love so truly is so far away. At my own fault. I flip-flop through happy and bubbly to somewhat saddened and hurt quite frequently. I can only hope it'll be fixed soon.

A little daily goal I have been trying to accomplish (along with others) is taking at least one photograph each day that I will actually be willing to show someone. Yes, I am afraid I am one of those people who often throw away nearly every photo they take. But that's not too uncommon for a photographer to do. I had a fun time taking quick snapshots of myself in the bathroom mirror (above) in bed, outside, and inside.. And photoshopping them together. (Mind you, I am FAR from great at putting together any sort of photo manipulation). Nothing fancy. Nothing artsy. Nothing 'professional' (I despise that word..). It's me being me. Me being true. Me in RAW, everyday form.

I hit up the thrift-shops today in attempt to find something interesting. Something to perhaps triggers a sense of creativity in my idle, uninspired mind. The only thing I found was a wall-eyed cat bank. I laughed harder at that little thing then I have at anything in days! He's incredible. I had to take it home with me. He's currently holding my coins. His name is Jeffy..

Every time I dream. It's a dream of you...

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